This is the final legislative update prepared by this firm for the 2011 legislative session of the Texas Legislature. It summarizes constitutional amendment SJR 14 approved by the voters on November 8, 2011, and 8 bills effective on and after January 1, 2012, that we consider are of interest to our clients. • USE OF ELECTRONIC MEANS FOR THE DELIVERY OF AD VALOREM TAX BILLS TO CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNERS AND AGENTS (HB 843). House Bill 843, in pertinent part, amends Section 31.01 of the Tax Code by amending subsections (a), (g), (i-1), and (j) to reference the delivery of a tax bill by electronic means under new subsection (k); adding subsection (k) to require the assessor for a taxing unit to deliver a property tax bill by electronic means if on or before September 15 the person entitled to receive a tax bill and the assessor enter into an agreement, in form and content specified by subsection (k), for delivery of a tax bill by electronic means, and further providing that the agreement remains in effect for all subsequent tax bills until revoked by an authorized individual in a written revocation filed with the assessor, and that an assessor who delivers a tax bill electronically is not required to mail the same bill; and adding subsection (l) to authorize the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to prescribe acceptable media, formats, content, and methods for the delivery of tax bills by electronic means under subsection (k) and to provide the model form agreement to be used as required by subsection (k). House Bill 843 takes effect January 1, 2012. • NOTICE OF RELIEF AVAILABLE TO CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED IN FORECLOSURE NOTICE UNDER SECTION 51.002 OF THE PROPERTY CODE (HB 1127).