In the April 13, 2017, issue of the Federal Register (82 FR 17792, click here) the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) published an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) notifying the public that the VA is currently reviewing its regulations governing the allowable expenses that a veteran may pay or be charged in connection with obtaining a VA-guaranteed home loan, with a request for public comment, including the following questions republished in this memorandum. You may submit comments and answers to the questions, identified by “RIN 2900-AP62-Loan Guaranty: Revisions to Allowable Charges and Fees Assessed Incident to VA-Guaranteed Home Loans”, by any of the following methods: • Fax: (202) 273-9026. • Electronic: / Follow the instructions for submitting comments. • Mail or Hand Delivery: Director, Regulation Policy and Management (00REG), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue NW., Room 1068, Washington, DC 20420. Submitted comments and answers to the questions must be received by the VA on or before June 12, 2017.