In the May 16, 2016 issue of the Federal Register (81 FR 30257) (click here), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) published its tenth edition of its Supervisory Highlights. The Supervisory Highlights details CFPB supervisory observations, public enforcement actions, and corrective procedures. As it states recent CFPB regulatory emphases, it provides useful compliance guidance. The tenth edition covered CFPB work done primarily between September 2015 and December 2015. Of particular importance to brokers, lenders, investors, servicers, and other stakeholders in the mortgage industry are the following matters: 1) Consumer Reporting. The CFPB reminded furnishers of their obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In particular, the CFPB commented on the duty to maintain reasonable policies and procedures regarding the accuracy and integrity of furnished information to consumer reporting agencies. The CFPB explained that the evaluation of policies and procedures will depend on the nature, complexity, scope, and size of a furnisher’s activities. Of note, the CFPB highlighted failures of one or more furnishers to inform consumer reporting agencies when accounts were “paid-in-full.” These furnisher(s) relied on automated systems but did not have established controls to verify these automated systems. As a result, these furnisher(s) failed to update consumer information that certain accounts were settled.

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