Title X of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) transferred rulemaking authority for a number of consumer financial protection laws from seven Federal agencies (i.e., FRB, FDIC, FTC, NCUA, OCC, OTS, and HUD) to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB) as of July 21, 2011. The CFPB has begun the process of republishing the regulations implementing those laws by publishing in today’s Federal Register the following interim final regulations, formerly under the authority of the FTC, effective December 30, 2011: • Regulation F (Procedures for State Application for Exemption From the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) 12 CFR part 1006 (FTC Rule: 16 CFR part 901) • Regulation I (Disclosure Requirements for Depository Institutions Lacking Federal Deposit Insurance) 12 CFR part 1009 (FTC Rule: 16 CFR part 320) • Regulation N (Mortgage Acts and Practices-Advertising) 12 CFR part 1014 (FTC Rule: 16 CFR part 321) • Regulation O (Mortgage Assistance Relief Services) 12 CFR part 1015 (FTC Rule: 16 CFR part 322)