Did you know that 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 4 children in North Texas deal with hunger? As we all saw throughout 2020 and now in 2021, food insecurity is very real, even in our own communities. The impact of the pandemic has left many families without a steady income, leaving thousands filled with the uncertainty of how they will feed their families — many for the first time.

With this in mind, Black Mann & Graham has joined forces with other local law firms across North Texas for a friendly competition to raise funds for NTFB in the second annual Partners 4 Hope campaign!

The contest runs from March 1st through March 31st, and every $1.00 collected through our fundraiser will provide access to 3 nutritious meals to hungry North Texans.

In 2019, Black Mann & Graham team members raised a total of $2025.00, which was then matched dollar for dollar by Tom, Greg, and Shawn. Once again, the firm partners have challenged us, and have agreed to match our total 2021 contributions. Let’s all take that challenge and beat those 2019 numbers.

As an added bonus to helping others, the two winning law firms will be featured in the May 2021 issue of D Magazine!

Help us knock out the competition and feed our hungry neighbors by donating today! Follow this link to our BMG campaign page and share it with friends and family: https://p4h2021.causevox.com/BMG