You could say that Houston Account Executive Wendy Hrncir and her husband David’s weekend place in the country is buzzing with activity. But it’s not children or guests that keep it lively – it’s the half-million bees that make their home in the apiary – a collection of beehives – in their backyard. So, how did this Houston BM&G team member become a beekeeper, you ask?
When Wendy and David bought their place, they learned that keeping bees qualified them for a state agriculture exemption – a significant savings on their tax bill. But what started out for them as a money-saving measure ended up being a passion for them both. Wendy credits the tightknit beekeeping community and an experienced beekeeping couple with cultivating her passion for the fascinating creatures who fly as far as 5 miles from home but always return at the end of the day.
“If someone had told me ten years ago that I’d be a beekeeper, I would have laughed out loud,” Wendy says. But today she can’t imagine life without her bees, who know when she’s in their midst because of their facial recognition capabilities. For Wendy and David, it’s become a true labor of love.