Each month we’re asking team members eight questions about themselves – from fun facts to superpowers and the best part of working at BM&G. Next up in our profile series is Houston Attorney Syndy Davis!

1. BM&G office location: Houston

2. Number of years at BM&G: 8 years – I began working as a contract attorney in 2011, and became an associate attorney of the firm in 2016.

3. Fun fact about you: In law school, I studied constitution law under U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

4. Favorite hobby/pastime: Watching UT football – not so much this year, but soon…

5. Best part of my job is: The people I work with – We have the greatest staff and clients!

6. I start my day with: Coffee… lots of coffee

7. If I had a superpower, it would be: The ability to bend time

8. Best way to contact you: by email – sdavis@bmandg.com