Calvin Mann, our Retired Partner, Of Counsel to BMG, recently celebrated 50 years of practicing law in Texas.  Of course, we know Calvin has been an integral leader in our firm.  His perspective and knowledgeable, yet gentle manner has been an incredible example of how to treat each other – our team and our valued clients.

Along with Greg Graham, Calvin joined BMG soon after Tom Black founded the firm, and even today he remains active in our business.  As Tom says, “Calvin is the worst retiree I know.”  To mark this milestone, we thought we’d reach out to three attorneys who worked alongside Calvin prior to joining BMG, to get their perspectives on a man they call a friend and mentor:


Diane Gleason

Congratulations to Calvin on a 50-year career of service.  Calvin and I worked together for more than 25 years, and I have seen firsthand his approach to the practice of law.  Calvin’s focus is and always has been the people.  He is there not only for his clients and the people he works with but also the many people he interacts with daily through his participation in numerous organizations and activities.  His connection with people is evident in the number of people who continue to reach out to him even after his retirement.  I was very fortunate to have Calvin as a mentor and wish him the best.


David Tritter

I first met Calvin when he came to work at our firm in the early eighties. The economy was in the tank at the time, and we were doing as many foreclosures as we were doing residential closing packages. Calvin was as diligent and thorough then, as he still is today. Back then we would amuse ourselves from time to time by putting one or more of us (attorneys) on (mock) trial for various forgivable transgressions. Calvin would wear a black robe and act as the (hanging) judge for these proceedings. That is why, even to this day, some of us refer to him as “Judge.” Calvin wasn’t much of a hunter, but being a good sport, he would occasionally escort some of our clients out to the firm’s hunting lease. I recall that when he was asked about the place, which was about 500 miles from home, he said it wasn’t at the end of the earth, but you could see it from there. I wish Calvin was still around and down the hall so we could do lunch together again, as we did for so many years.


David Dulock

Calvin’s knowledge of real estate lending laws and regulations is exceptional, and his loyalty to the firm is beyond reproach. Calvin has a quick wit and an ability to speak off the cuff on mortgage lending matters. Calvin’s easy manner with employees and clients is professional and cordial.  His legal knowledge and honest professional and personal character have earned him many friends in the mortgage industry.  


Calvin – we thank you for your example, your incredible work ethic still, and the values that inspired our company culture!

Up Next: Tom Black Recognized for Longtime MBA Support