Continuing our series of commonly asked questions at closing, we asked Judy Phothisen, our Fulfillment Manager in the Dallas office, for advice on this question.

Judy, could you share a list of holidays that aren’t included when counting rescission dates?

Yes, I’d be happy to clarify!  For rescission date calculation, business days include any day of the week, except Sunday and the following ten (10) federal legal holidays (See 5 United States Code 6103(a):

  • New Year’s Day, January 1
  • Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., the third Monday in January
  • Washington’s Birthday, the third Monday in February
  • Memorial Day, the last Monday in May
  • Independence Day, July 4
  • Labor Day, the first Monday in September
  • Columbus Day, the second Monday in October
  • Veterans Day, November 11
  • Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November
  • Christmas Day, December 25