In the August 17, 2018, issue of the Federal Register (83 FR 41056, click here), the Rural Housing Service (RHS) published a request for information (RFI) seeking public comments on updating the provisions of the SFHGLP regarding the maximum interest rate, its impact on loan making to potential SFHGLP borrowers, and possible changes to the interest rate cap in order to help the RHS determine whether the interest rate cap should be modified.
You may submit written comments on or before October 16, 2018, by either of the following methods:
- Electronic: Federal eRulemaking Portal at Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
- Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery: Please send your comments addressed to Kate Jensen, Finance and Loan Analyst, Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program, USDA Rural Development, 1400 Independence Avenue, STOP 0784, Room 2250, Washington, DC 20250–1522.