In the April 21, 2015, Federal Register (80 FR 22091, click here) the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reissued its 2013 interpretive rule regarding the provision of lists of HUD-approved housing counseling agencies to mortgage loan applicants. The revised interpretive rule substantively restates the guidance in the 2013 interpretive rule and adds further guidance to address additional questions that have been raised since the issuance of the 2013 interpretative rule. The 2013 interpretive rule and its companion Bulletin 2013-13 were the subject of our November 19, 2013 memorandum. We recommend that you read the CFPB’s revised interpretative rule in conjunction with our November 19, 2013 memorandum, click here. The revised interpretive rule is effective April 21, 2015, and in addition to restating the guidance in the 2013 interpretive rule, it adds further guidance, for example: • Where the applicant’s current address does not include a five-digit zip code, the lender may use the five-digit zip code of the property securing the mortgage to generate the list.

Complete Memorandum