In our December 16, 2011, memorandum we advised you that the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB) had begun the process of republishing the regulations implementing the consumer financial protection laws for which Title X of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) had transferred rulemaking authority to the CFPB from seven Federal agencies (i.e., FRB, FDIC, FTC, NCUA, OCC, OTS, and HUD) as of July 21, 2011. The CFPB is continuing this process of republishing the regulations implementing those laws by publishing in the Federal Register (Vol. 76, Issues 243, 244, 245, 246, 248 and 250) the following additional interim final regulations, effective December 30, 2011: • Regulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity Act) 12 CFR part 1002 (FRB Rule: 12 CFR part 202). See (Pages 79445 to 79483) • Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act) 12 CFR part 1003 (FRB Rule: 12 CFR part 203). See (Pages 78468 to 78483) • Regulation DD (Truth in Savings Act) 12 CFR part 1030 (FRB Rule: 12 CFR part 230; NCUA Rule: 12 CFR part 707). See (Pages 79278 to 79287)